Sunday, November 18, 2012

Veterans To Consider Medical Marijuana Resolution

Veteran members of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars in the Ninth District of Kentucky will vote in January on a resolution supporting Veteran access to medical marijuana thru the auspices of the Veterans Administration.  The resolution recommends that the Federal Government provide, thru the Veterans Administration Health System, medical marijuana to Veterans with qualifying conditions such as chronic pain, Post Traumatic Stress and a number of other conditions for which medical marijuana is effective.
The Government can accomplish this, the resolution states, “ by providing vouchers to Veterans who live in medical marijuana States and by directly providing the marijuana from the Government’s marijuana farm in Mississippi to Veterans who do not live in medical marijuana States as is currently done for the survivors of the old Compassionate Care Program.  The resolution also states that the Government should act post haste to provide this safe and effective medicine for the care of our Veterans.
Justification supporting the resolution sited the following points:
Thousands of our Comrade Veterans use this medicine everyday and they report that it works wonders in treating Post Traumatic Stress, chronic pain, phantom pain from loss of a limb and a number of related conditions.
The Doctors treating these Veterans agree that marijuana is effective in treating these conditions and that it should be made available to these Veterans..  The American Medical Association, The American College of Physicians, The American Nurses Association, The American Academy of Family Physicians and The Federation of American Scientists all recognize medical marijuana as legitimate medicine.  Even the Veterans Administration now recognizes Veteran use of medical marijuana.
The need for action on this issue is tantamount as for some of our Veterans access to this medicine can be a life or death issue.  It has been noted that states with medical marijuana laws in place are starting to experience lower rates of suicide which has been attributed to the availability of medical marijuana.
Since the proposal of this resolution one more state has passed legislation authorizing the use of medical marijuana and two states have legalized it’s use for recreational purposes.  Civilians can now use it for recreation but Veterans cannot access it for medical needs.  Something not right about that we think.
Lastly, we as Veterans are the leaders in our communities and in our nation as well.  As leaders we are the ones who can effect needed policy change and as Americans and especially as Veterans we have a duty to do so, in service to our country and in service to our wounded and disabled Veterans.
The resolution will be voted on at the Ninth District of Kentucky meeting  January 20, 2013.
 Msgt Tony Vance

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