This is an open letter to the WAVE 3 commentator that did the piece on Industrial Hemp, you will find a link at the bottom.
Dear Sir
I'm a 64 year old retired salesman and I'm also a four year Air Force veteran with 18 months duty "in theater" during the Vietnam war.
It was during that war, while stationed in Thailand, that I tried cannabis for the first time. That was 1970 and I have smoked recreationally off and on ever since.
It wasn't until I met Gatewood Galbraith in 1990 that I and others realized there was more to smoking "marijuana" than just getting high. Sure we had heard about making rope but most where just jokes about smoking rope no one took them seriously. After meeting with Gatewood, Willie Nelson, Jack Herer and other cannabis activists I agreed to run Gatewood's primary campaign for him here in Louisville; in which by the way we got 13% of the vote for him.
I read Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Cloths" and have been an advocate ever since. In the '91 campaign we took that book along with other literature and we worked tirelessly spreading the word and educating people through out the commonwealth. We are the reason that people are even talking about Industrial Hemp today and now we have wealthy industrialist that wish to ignore our fight, our hard work for their own profit motive. I resent that.
Gatewood's name was never brought up in your documentary nor the work of thousands of volunteers but the most egregious part of your documentary was your emphasis on "mind altering drug". I take offense to that, that was uncalled for. There were a lot of good facts in there but I felt that tone of prejudice against medicinal and I suspect recreational use as well. I wish we could have a candid discussion about all the uses of Cannabis Sativa/Indica and maybe dispel some of the rumors and fears once and for all.
I started a grassroots group and I have been working with Sen. Perry Clark on his legislation to legalize medical marijuana. I started this group because a decision was made by the Veterans Administration to allow patients, in states where it is legal, to have THC in their blood tests but in states where it isn't legal you could be taken off your medication. That's not right but then there is so much hypocrisy in this prohibition it's hard to put it all together.
I would welcome a dialog and I can bring in some experts. I have contacts with LEAP(Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) and others. Can we talk candidly? I'm retired so I don't have to pass anyone's drug test to survive so I'm speaking out and not just for myself but my grandchildren as well. They deserve better.
Thank You
Kentucky Veterans for Medical Marijuana
attachment enclosed:
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