Tuesday, February 5, 2013

An Open Letter to Kentucky Ag Comm.

Commissioner Comer

I represent a small grassroots organization of veterans called Kentucky Veterans for Medical Marijuana we do have a web address www.kentuckyveternsformedicalmarijuana.net which will redirect you to our facebook page. We support the legalization, for medical purposes, the cannabis plant.

I have been a cannabis activist since running Gatewood Galbraith’s 1991 Primary campaign, here in Louisville. I applaud your efforts to the extent that they advance the debate for legalization of cannabis. The hemp bill (HB50) unfortunately does nothing to advance our cause. Gatewood understood that it was the total plant that was in Kentucky’s best interest to legalize. Many knew the medicinal advantage of cannabis even back then. Unfortunately the political atmosphere, at that time, was such that it was unwise to speak up about anything regarding legalization. That is why I admired Gatewood, he stood up and that’s primarily why I agreed to run his campaign.

As I have said, since that time I have done extensive research, which you can view at my facebook page. I have found that the more I researched the more question needed to be answered. Everything I found pointed to our making a huge mistake in regards to cannabis prohibition. This is borne out by one glaring statistic that despite years of prohibition, billions of dollars spent, thousands of lives ruined lost or imprisoned, we are no better off today than when President Nixon first declared this war. Nothing has changed.

It is my hope that this letter will open a dialog that I may discuss your efforts at righting the wrong that was done Kentucky farmers when the crop they had known as hemp, was renamed marijuana and taken from them in the name of corporate greed. I hope to work with your office to get you support to not only allow our farmers to compete on a global market in cordage hemp but give our research facilities the same advantages that other countries enjoy, such as Israel, where they are making remarkable discoveries in cancer research using cannabis. We deserve to have that advantage here.

We are breaking new ground this is true but it’s something I believe will be the best for Kentucky in the long run. Last but not least I am a grandfather. I look at where we are going if we don’t change what we are doing. I want a better world for my grandchildren and I believe what I am supporting is a far better future than what I see in store for them if nothing changes.

I know that cannabis makes a great shirt. I still have one hanging in my closet from the 1991 campaign. I also know that cannabis saves lives and I would hope that you will join me in helping save those lives. If you support the troops you will help Senator Clark and I pass SB11.


Ronald Moore

Kentucky Veterans for Medical Marijuana

1 comment:

  1. Bravo!! (I couldn't get the link in the first paragraph to work.)
    Mr. Moore,
    well put together brother...no only am I ready to see Kentucky taking the lead in Medicine across the nation, along with other states, maybe our vets can come back and help work at these places too. I know I for one would love to help others as they came through the door with some of God's Medicine. Not this pharmaceutical POISON we only have options for these days.
